Below are some random sentence to give you an idea of how you have to think in Japanese in order to put the words in the right order when you make a sentence.
Word Order:
きのう みせ に いった。
Yesterday, store, went.
Yesterday I went to the store.
その いぬ は かわいい。
That dog is cute.
いつも あさ に いぬ を さんぽ する。
Always, morning, in the, dog, walk.
I always walk my dog in the morning.
わたし の いちばん すき な いろ は むらさき いろ です。
I, my number one, like, kind of, color, is purple color, it is.
My favorite color is purple.
かれ は やきゅう し に いった。
He, it is he, baseball, do, to go.
He went to go play baseball.
ぎゅにゅう を かって くれる?
Milk, buy, you give to me?
Can you buy some milk (for me)?
けさ は あつかった。
Morning, is, hotted.
It was hot this morning.
て が いたい。
Hand, it is the hand, hurt.
My hand hurts.
きょう あまり きぶん が よくない ので いえ で ゆっくり する。
Today, not so, feeling, it is feeling, good not, therefore, house, in the, rest, do.
I'm not feeling so well today so I'm going to rest at home.
さいきん あなた の たいど が わるい です。
Recently, you, your attitude, it is your attitude, bad, it is.
Recently your attitude has been bad.
えいご を みましょう。
Movie, see let's.
Let's see a movie.