Saturday, February 12, 2011

Japanese Lesson 43: particle "wa" 英語の「は」

This lesson is an introduction to the particle "wa" in Japanese. In hiragana the sound "wa" is written as わ. However, when it is used as a particle and not part of a word, it is written as は。When は is part of a word is pronounced "ha". When は is not part of a word and stands alone as a particle it is pronounced "wa".

"wa" defines the subject you are talking about. Here are some examples:
かれ は うれしい です。
He is happy.
He is the subject of the happiness.

わたし は えいが を みる。
I am going to see a movie.
Who's going to see the movie? I am

きょう は あつい です。
It's hot today
What day is hot? Today is hot.

かのじょ は げつようび に はたらけない。
She can't work on Monday.
Who can't work on Monday? She can't.


Good evening.

konbanwa is written in hiragana as こんばんは。The final "wa" is written as "ha" は, but pronounced as "wa".

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