Thursday, February 17, 2011

Japanese Lesson 48: Hiragana Reading Practice 1 英語の読み方の練習

For those of you who are just starting to learn how to read hiragana you can practice by reading simple Japanese, such as children's books. The text from this book comes from the book called Let's Be Friends Again by Hans Wilhelm. You can view the original text here in Japanese.


(pg 3)

original text: いもうとと、ぼくのことを、はなします。

words separated: いもうと と ぼく の こと を はなします。

English alphabet: imoto to boku no koto o hanashimasu.


younger sister



possessive particle

of myself


Direct translation: My younger sister and myself I will talk
Original English: This is a story about me and my little sister.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    first of all thank you for translating and writing about this book I just learned the hiragana so I wanted to practice on my reading skill so I chose this book and I was confused about ( ぼくのこと )I don't fully understand how it come, could you please explain more?


Feel free to ask questions here. I will usually answer within one day.