Sunday, March 6, 2011

Japanese Lesson 75: "wa" and "ga" comparison -- 英語レッスン75:「は」と「が」比較







As stated in the previous lesson about "ga". The particle "ga" emphasizes the words that come before it. The particle "wa" is a subject marker and is a pointer to the words that come after it.

1. 犬好きだけど猫嫌い。
いぬ が すき けど ねこ が きらい。
I really like dogs, but I really hate cats.

long explanation: I specifically like dogs (I may have other favorite animals too, but right now I want to emphasize that I really like dogs), but I also specifically hate cats (and there may be other animals I hate too, but right now I really want to show you that I hate cats.

2. 犬好きだけど猫嫌い。
いぬ は すき けど ねこ は きらい。
I like dogs, but I hate cats.

long explanation: Among animals, I like dogs in general (as well as some other animals), but generally I don't like cats either (as well as some other animals).

3. 犬好きだけど猫嫌い。
いぬ が すき けど ねこ は きらい。
I really like dogs, but I hate cats.

long explanation: I specifically like dogs (I may have other favorite animals too, but right now I want to emphasize that I really like dogs), and in general I don't like cats when it comes to animals.

4. 犬好きだけど猫嫌い。
いぬ は すき けど ねこ が きらい。
I like dogs, but I really hate cats.

long explanation: I like dogs in general as far as animals go, but among animals I specifically dislike cats.


All four sentences are gramatically correct. However, sentences 3 and 4 are the sentences you would most likely hear a Japanese person say.

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