Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lesson 20: Verbs -- Dictionary Form

Here are some common verbs in Japanese. If you look up these words in an English to Japanese dictionary you will find them in this form.



食事 する
しょくじ する


The most common way the dictionary form is used is to express future tense.

Here are some examples:

A: 明日何をする?
あした なに を する?
What are you going to do tomorrow?

B: 明日は仕事に行くよ
あした は しごと に いく よ
I am going to go to work tomorrow

B: その後レストランで食事する
その あと れすとらん で しょくじ する
After that I am going to eat at a restaurant

A: レストランまで歩く?
れすとらん まで あるく?
Are you going to walk to the restaurant?

Note: Notice how in this conversation person A and person B never say the words "I" and "you". In Japanese you don't need to say these words in this situation because it is understood who you are talking about.

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